Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Madu Asli HPAI merupakan makanan kesehatn kaya manfaat yang sudah dikenal lama. Penggunaan Madu sebagai makanan kesehatan sekaligus pengobatanpun dijamin keotentikannya baik dalam alqur’an, hadits maupun hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah. Namun demikian, ada ciri-ciri khusus yang harus diperhatikan dalam memilih madu agar madu benar-benar optimal sebagai makanan kesehatan maupun sebagai obat. Ciri-ciri tersebut antara lain:
- Madu yang dipakai adalah madu asli dan murni
- Memiliki kadar air minimal 22% (menurut SNI) untuk madu agar bersifat alkali (basa). Makin sedikit kadar air dalam madu makin baik.
- Madu Asliyang berkualitas memiliki kadar HMF (kadar pemanasan) maksimal menurut SNI S 50 mg/kg.
- Tidak berbusa. Madu yang berbusa, menunjukkan ada reaksi oksidasi dengan udara. Semakin lama oksidasi ini akan menghasilkan busa/alkohol. Madu yang banyak busanya jika dipanaskan bisa meledak.
Keunggulan dan Manfaat Madu
- Madu merupakan makanan yang dijamin oleh Al qur’an. “…, dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia..” (QS.16:69). Juga Sabda Rasulullah Saw, “Madu adalah penyembuh bagi semua jenis sakit dan Al Qur’an adalah penyembuh bagi semua kekusutan fikiran (sakit fikiran)”. (HR. Bukhari)
- Madu mengandung glukosa jenis monosakarida yang lebih mudah diserap usus dibandingkan gula (disakarida).
- Madu memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang sangat tinggi untuk melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas.
- Pinocembrin, antioksidan yang membuat awet muda hanya ada pada madu.
- Madu memiliki sifat anti peradangan alami
- Madu sangat cepat menutup luka
- Menenrut banyak penelitian, madu merupakan antibiotik alami terbaik. Banyak bakteri, virus, jamur maupun parasit lain tidak dapat hidup dalam madu selama 2×24 jam
- Madu memiliki sifat unsur panas basah sehingga cepat mengembalikan energi vitalitas.

Description: MADU ASLI HPAI Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: MADU ASLI HPAI

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Traditional forms of pharma's most financially profitable are herbal medicines that are by the World Health Organization has declared to treat chronic diseases.
One is the development of a malaria drug discovery artimisinin substance found on plants Artemisia annua L, a plant that has been used by the Chinese since 2000 years ago.
In fact, developing countries around the world began to use traditional medicine including acupuncture. Yes, this time, by 70% -80% of the total population in developing countries have been using alternative medicine.
According to the WHO traditional medicine is a whole of knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous used for health maintenance and treatment of physical and mental illness.
Traditional medicine including herbal medicine, massage, acupuncture, and others. Herbal medicines have a special place in the hearts of the world community.
This is evidenced by the number of income of the herbal medicine trade in Western Europe, China, and Brazil. Herbal remedies can treat a variety of complaints that they complain to the doctor.
Health problems that include heart and blood circulation including angina, high blood pressure and varicose veins can be treated with herbal medicines.
As well as the diseases associated with gynecology as menstruation and menopause. In addition, drugs or herbs without chemicals can also cope with illnesses such as insomnia, migraines, influenza, asthma, hay fever, and other allergic reactions.
How to keamanananya? There are many people who think that herbal medicines derived from plants so that these drugs do not have side effects. However, the fact that herbal medicines can be dangerous and have an adverse effect if the quality of herbal medicines is very low.
Not only that, not a few people who have been in the medical world reject the use of herbal medicines due to the lack of research on the content of herbal medicines and their effects to the body.
Nevertheless, the World Health Organisation or WHO has made a strategy to support and integrate traditional medicine including herbal medicine into the national health system for WHO member states.
This organization will also ensure that traditional medicine is marketed are of good quality as well as its use is safe for the world community. In addition, WHO will also recognize traditional medicine as part of primary health care.
Of course, this mission will be a challenge for the World Health Organization because not many countries that have regulations on drug tardisional.
In addition, research on various herbal medicine should be improved for the benefit of the WHO mission. However, assessing the quality of a herbal medicinal product is quite complex because they have to look at the source of traditional crops and processing process.

Description: WHO AND MEDICINE HERB Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: WHO AND MEDICINE HERB


Most of the world's population will mention the words unscientific, unproven, ineffective, possibly dangerous, primitive, and many other words that smacks of sad when they think about herbal medicines.
After 30 years of researching and treat millions of people with herbal medicines, Dr. John R. Christopher eventually expressed a general belief that it is acceptable on herbal medicine.
Misperceptions adopted by the world community over the years is to use herbal medicine means the same as using the most primitive form of the world kodekteran.
In fact, 75% of hormones used in modern medicines derived entirely from plants. There is inequality when modern medicines are derived from plants glorified whereas herbal medicine said to be primitive and backward.
For example, Digitalis is known as a drug to stimulate heart today was derived from the foxglove plant. While the anti-clotting drug that effectively named coumarol obtained from sweet clover plants.
In India, snakeroot has been used for thousands of years to soothe people. Snakeroot is now used as the main ingredient reserpine, a tranquilizer most popular today.
And you know, the anti-malaria drug derived from the bark of the tree Kina originating from South America and has been grown in Cibodas, West Java and West Sumatra?
Yes, there are many plants that take part to mix modern medicine, so primitive and backward label is certainly not suitable for herbal medicines.
Indeed, it should be recognized that although derived from natural plant, it is undeniable that some herbs have toxic effects. However, in the hands of an experienced herbalist herbal remedies can be very helpful to cure various diseases.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has a mission to integrate herbal medicine in primary treatment in WHO member states. Currently, approximately 80% of the world still rely on traditional medicine including herbal medicines.
Over time, the population of the world is finally open his mind to admit that herbs can be an asset in the future. Although studies support the herbal medicine is still very little existence, the research driven implementation even by the World Health Organization (WHO).
In Indonesia, many researchers from LIPI and renowned universities such as ITB as well as universities in other countries such as The National University of Hochiminch City who has done research on medicinal plants that could potentially be mild or severe the disease including the ant nest as a cancer drug.


Friday, 17 May 2013


Keutaman Sari Kurma HPAI:
Kurma memudahkan proses persalinan serta sangat baik menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
Kaya dengan zat besi, kalsium, sodium, kalium, vitamin A, C, Niasin.
Kajian saintifik menunjukkan kurma berkhasiat mengobati gangguan masalah usus.
Mengandung protein dan garam galian yang membantu menghalang penghasilan sel darah putih berlebihan diusus kecil
Mengatasi sembelit, namun tidak sesuai untuk mengidap penyakit diabetes.
Penawar untuk masalah insomnia.
Gula dalam kurma bertindak menghilangkan gatal-gatal dalam kerongkong juster melegakan batuk.
Unsur zat besi dan kalium sesuai untuk wanita mengandung (baik untuk perkembangan fetus) dan sehabis bersalin. Ia membantu proses kelahiran, menguatkan urat-urat rahim, mengurangi tumpahan darah dan menurunkan darah tinggi.
Menguatkan ingatkan, membantu pertumbuhan dan menambahkan tenaga
Melancarkan peredaran darah dan menyembuhkan buah pinggang
Mengandung fiber (serat) alami yang menyingkirkan kanker kolon.
Memelihara kesehatan mata, terhindar penyakit rabun senja. Pejuang islam di zaman Rasulullah mengamalkan kurma untuk merangsang otot mata.
Kalsium berguna dalam pembentukan tulang dan menghindari tulang menjadi rapuh.
Dianjurkan untuk anak-anak yang hiperaktif.

Cara Konsumsi Sari Kurma HPAI :
Boleh diminum disaat kapan saja dan sesuai dengan selera kita.
Description: SARI KURMA Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: SARI KURMA

Habba Sauda Active Gel

Habba Sauda Active Gel (HA-Gel) : 
Gel berbasis air diformulasikan khusus untuk kesehatan kulit Anda. Habba Sauda Active Gel sangat baik digunakan untuk :
1. Bekam estetika (Bekam Kecantikan). Pemakaian pra dan paska bekam estetika akan membantu proses wound healing (penyembuhan luka) tanpa meninggalkan bekas. 
2. Dapat juga dipergunakan sehari-hari untuk menambah kebutuhan nutrisi kulit berbahan alamiah. 
Bahan aktif herbal di dalamnya berfungsi sebagai anti-bakteri, anti-radang, anti-eritema alamiah. Habbasauda Active Gel membantu sirkulasi regenerasi sel kulit, sebagai anti-aging dan anti-oksidan. Pemakaian jangka panjang akan membuat kulit menjadi kenyal, halus dan sehat.

Kandungan Habba Sauda Active Gel adalah Herbal Pilihan Dunia :
Lavendula officinalis (Minyak Lavender) , Hydrocotyle asiatica (Gotu Kola), Nigella sativa (Habbassauda), Matricaria chamomila (chamomile ekstrak), Aloe barbandensis leaf (Lidah Buaya Ekstrak).

ORDER : SMS/WhatsApp : +62-8562-5095-44 OR PIN BB 29FAA64D 
Description: Habba Sauda Active Gel Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: Habba Sauda Active Gel

Thursday, 16 May 2013


ANDROGRAPHIS CENTELLA mengandung EKSTRAK sambiloto (andrographis paniculata), ekstrak Ilalang (imperata cylindrica) dan ekstrak pegagan (centella asiatica). Andrographis Centella berperan sebagai pelindung lever (hepato-protector) terbaik. Ia pun bermanfaat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, menurunkan panas (karena bersifat diuretic), analgesik alami (penghilang rasa nyeri) dan antibiotik alami.
Selama mengkonsumsi herbal ini sangat disarankan memperbanyak minum air putih. Dosis 3x2 kapsul sehari.
Mereka yang Aktif perlu suplement Khusus... HPA Indonesia mempersembahkan Androgaphis Centella, menjaga kesehatan liver (hepato protector), meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh serta menjaga Kesehatan Ginjal... Herba ini wajib di bawa oleh Presenter, Leader dan member HPA Indonesia serta yang aktif bekerja
Harga Konsumen Rp 65.000,-.
Description: ANDROGRAPHIS CENTELLA Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: ANDROGRAPHIS CENTELLA


Secara umum Penyakit yg terkait Virus, biasanya terkait imunitas,. Shg minimal ada dua hal yg mesti di lakukan,. 
Pertama : tingkatkan imunitas, dg rest/istirahat yg cukup, pikiran/hati yg tenang dan makan yg bergizi,..
Kedua : insya Allah bisa dg di konsumsikan VCO, krn khasiat VCO bisa membunuh virus / bakteri (dlm buku : The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil),.
Description: PENYAKIT Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: PENYAKIT

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


ORDER : SMS/WhatsApp : +62-8562-5095-44 OR PIN BB 29FAA64D
A brief explanation GamalifeGamat (Golden Sea Cucumber) are sometimes called sea cucumbers, sea cucumber, or trepang who live on the ocean floor, is the name for animals chewy edible invertebrate Holothuroidea. 
He was widespread in the marine environment around the world, ranging from tidal zones to the deep sea, especially in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean.It is remarkable God created "the gamat" this. 
Although his form was less appealing and very repugnant to most people with typical contour elastic, but who would have thought had such great benefits.Research conducted at several universities in Malaysia for 8 years showed that gamat can improve blood circulation, prevent clogging cholesterol in the blood vessels, launched kidney function, increase metabolic rate, helps arthritis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension as well as accelerate the healing of wounds, cuts both external and internal injuries.

Based on the results of research in various universities around the world, found that gamat gold / golden sea cucumber is very efficacious as a medicine as a versatile and traditional antiseptic.Of these studies proved that gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) so as to stimulate the regeneration / recovery of human cells and tissues that have been damaged / sick even rot, so be healthy / recovered.Gamat is very good for people with diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, gamat also applied to the wounds that had rotted, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" is able to work well so that the wound be quickly restored.According Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Bioteknolog Researcher LIPI, high protein content in cucumbers which reached 82%, both given to people with diabetes. High protein plays regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. The result, increased insulin production. (Poster 441, August 2006, page 109). 
Benefit / Efficacy Gamalife: 
Due to a very high protein content of Gold Gamat, it is very nice in the process of repair and regeneration of cells is also nice for other things for example:Good for the digestive system / stomachStrengthen the immune system (immune)Help the respiratory systemProduce hormones and enzymes and other proteins functionImprove cell regeneration functionAssist in the treatment of coronary heart disease, Gout, Diabetes Mellitus, Cholesterol, Hepatitis, Hypertension, Lupus, Ulcer (stomach), Acne, Wounds, Burns, Pneumococcal, thypus, Tumors, Stroke, Epilepsy, asthma, osteoporosis, etc..
Description: GAMALIFE Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: GAMALIFE

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Sabun Wajah Herbal HPA
Telah siap dijual, Sabun Wajah Herbal dengan kandungan bahan-bahan alami bermutu tinggi. Sabun wajah herbal  dengan busa yang sangat lembut tidak mengiritasi kulit, diformulasikan sesuai dengan jenis kulit Anda. Sangat baik dipadukan dengan terapi Bekam Estetika Wajah dan Lifting.
Kandungan dari bahan alami terpilih:
 Azzadiracha indica (Mimba ekstrakt), Meulaleuca alternifolia (Tree tea ekstrakt), Nigella sativa (habbatussauda ekstrak), Olea eurofea (minyak zaitun), Matricaria chamomila (chamomile ekstrak), Hydrocotyle asiatica (Pegaga ekstrack), Aloe barbandensis leaf exstract ( lidah buaya ekstract), basis, halal glyserin aqua dm.
Tersedia dalam 3 pilihan untuk jenis kulit yang berbeda :
1. Sabun Wajah Habbassauda untuk kulit normal berminyak
2. Sabun Wajah Zaitun untuk kulit normal kering
3. Sabun Wajah Anti Jerawat untuk kulit wajah berjerawat
Description: SABUN WAJAH HERBAL Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: SABUN WAJAH HERBAL


 ORDER : SMS/WhatsApp ke 08562509544 atau PIN BB 29FAA64D
Cream Gamat Emas HPA sangat istimewa karena mengandung bahan dasar herba berkualitas terbaik yang berasal dari Indonesia, yaitu:

  • Ekstrak gamat emas
  • Minyak zaitun
  • Ekstrak mentimun
  • Base cream anti jerawat
Produk ini sangat aman digunakan pria maupun wanita, karena telah mendapat izin BPOM RI NA18111201386. Cream Gamat Emas plus Facial Wash HPA yang terbuat dari daun pegagan, merupakan solusi kosmetik alami, halal dan suci. Untuk memperoleh manfaat optimal, gunakan setiap pagi dan malam. Usapkan Cream Gamat Emas pada wajah, tunggu 5 menit saja, setelah itu bersihkan wajah dengan Facial Wash HPA. Maka, wajah sahabat pun akan tampak bersih, sehat, cerah, segar dan cantik seperti memakai bedak, walaupun tanpa menggunakan kosmetik.
Description: CREAM GAMAT EMAS Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Yazid Basthomi, ST ItemReviewed: CREAM GAMAT EMAS